Testimonials > Ryan’s Story
CKD, Arthritis, & My Home Caregiver
When chronic kidney disease, CKD, and multiple medical issues make it difficult for you to take care of yourself and you need more help than what your family is able to provide – a home caregiver can be the answer.
When Ryan’s health declined from multiple medical issues a friend referred him to Advantage Home Care to find out if a home caregiver could help. It’s been six years now, listen to Ryan and his caregiver tell his home healthcare story. Watch the video below or view on YouTube.
Video Testimonial
Ryan’s Story

Ryan and his family need assistance for him to live safely at home.
Video Testimonial Transcript
Ryan: I was diagnosed with chronic renal failure in 1995. My health story declined. I could barely get around on my left leg – 5 minutes and I’m done. A friend of mine referred Advantage Home Care to me about six years ago. And from then I’ve just been at home with my family with Advantage. There are days when I can’t move. My arthritis is bad. I depend on my homecare aide for everything.
CareGIVER: I’ve been working for Mr. Davis with Advantage for about six years. I wash the dishes. Do his laundry. I run errands, take him to the store, and to doctor appointments. I give him his medication. My cleaning, I do very lite cleaning. And I’m here for the company.
Ryan: She’s a good person. Just another extension of a daughter.
CareGIVER: I came to find out that we are two days apart. His birthday is November 27th and mine is November 29th. So it’s kind of like we’re the same person in a way. We laugh every day. We watch TV together. His favorite show is the Flinstones. That’s kind of how we bide the time. We have formed a bond where I have really grown to care about him as a person outside of Advantage/work. He’s been in the hospital and has had episodes that were due to his potassium levels being messed up. I try to make sure that he does what he’s supposed to do. Keeps to the renal diet, eats what he’s supposed to and drinks like he’s supposed to. Mr. Davis is hard-headed but we get along and we do like to play dominoes and spades.
Ryan: Yes, dominos and cards!
CareGIVER: He loses. He got old or rusty.
Ryan: That’s what my family loves about her. I can’t get away with nothing with her. Thank you! During the time of COVID, especially when COVID first came out, she jumped right in – “Mr. Davis, I’m just calling to make sure that you’re fine. Do you need anything. What can we do for you? Is there anybody else that we can send out? Social worker?”. They have really been there. I don’t know what I would do without the services that Advantage provides. They are wonderful people. They call me every month to make sure everything’s fine. They make sure my healthcare aide is doing what she’s supposed to be doing. Advantage has been wonderful to me. All the time. I don’t have any complaints.