Testimonials > Annie’s Story
Caring Like Family
When a Caregiver Becomes Like Family
Elderly Diabetic Thrives With In-Home Aide
Advantage Home Care’s motto is “Our clients are like family!”. This video testimonial is one of many examples where our client feels like their caregiver is family and the feeling is reciprocated by our caregiver.
When someone does not share DNA yet is considered “like family” it often occurs when people unwaveringly and unconditionally care for each other, for their health, happiness, and overall well-being. Caregivers feel it when they find themselves caring not out of obligation but out of concern. And care recipients feel it when their feelings go beyond their appreciation for what the caregiver is doing for them to how they truly feel about their caregiver.
Video Testimonial
Listen to this caregiver and care receiver in the video below. Watch the video below or view/share it on YouTube.
Annie’s Story

Elderly diabetic benefits tremendously from having an in-home aide.
Annie says my caregiver “could be my daughter”
In-Home Aide Becomes Like Family
Elderly diabetics can live safely and comfortably in their own homes (age in place), but many do well and even thrive when they have in-home aides to help them manage their diabetes.
What does a caregiver do for a diabetic patient?
An elderly diabetic may need help monitoring their blood sugar levels. They may need assistance preparing healthy meals based on their doctor’s recommendations. Some might need help keeping to an eating schedule and drinking enough fluids to prevent dehydration. Many appreciate the support and motivation to them walking and exercise. And almost all enjoy the company.
Video Testimonial Transcript
Annie & Her CareGIVER Talk Like Family
Annie: Over 15 years, way over 15 years, yeah I know it was 15 years that I was having problems, where I was falling out. They had to do some kind of surgery on me because I would just be setting up and then … wooo.
CareGIVER: She’s a diabetic. So she has to make sure that she eats. She has to take her blood sugar. You know that’s important, it’s very important. When I come in the first thing I do is make sure that she eats. Before I clean up.
Annie: She is understandable. She does what I ask her to do and she doesn’t try to over talk me. Cuz she will get slapped (haha). I’ll give you an example, just a few minutes ago I had some cookies in the house and I asked her to bring me some of those cookies. She said, “oh, they’re stale”. I said, “bring the cookies”! She said they’re hard, but she brought them to me to prove it … and they were to hard to eat. She’s an excellent caregiver. I depend on her. I feel like she could be my daughter or my granddaughter.
She’d do anything that I asked her to do, like wash the dishes, she’ll take me for a walk, help me with my bed, and help me get my bath. She’s not going to leave until everything is straightened up. I like to do puzzle books. And get ink all over.
CareGIVER: I come in and I’m like “Miss Ann, you got ink all over the place!” but she loves her puzzle books. I love her. She’s like my mother. I work for her Monday through Friday, so she doesn’t see me Saturday and Sunday. And she will call me “hey what’s up? what you doing?”.
Annie: I’m just so thankful for her! I wouldn’t trade her in for anything in the world!!!